Beach Hair By  Ashley Woodfolk Illustrated by Nina Mata 

About This Book:

At the beach, everyone has beach hair. There’s twisty and twirly hair, flossy and glossy hair, hair that’s barely there, and hair that’s everywhere.

The best part about a beach day is the belonging and joy that everyone feels when they let their hair run as wild and free as the sea.

Why I Love This Story:

Beach Hair by Ashley Woodfolk is a magical story that promotes the fun and enjoyment of letting your hair fly free during a beach day. The story follows a young child who goes on an exciting beach trip with their parents. Although the setting of this book is a beach day, the true message of the story is the importance of having body positivity, especially regarding different hairstyles. The story begins with the family all wearing hats to hide their hair. When they arrive at the beach they observe the joy and excitement of everyone relaxing and letting their hair be natural. The text is written using figurative language that draws into the story. I love how the figurative language words are in all caps and different colors. The illustrations by Nina Mata are filled with movement and stunningly capture the excitement and community of a fun day in the sun! Beach Hair is a beautiful celebration of what makes us unique.

Ages 5 and up

40 Pages

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